How to Apply in Ontue

Easy way to be part of our Team !

Free Registration to be an Online English Teacher ESL just visit


Note : To all interested applicant please follow properly the Steps. Please don't forget to full filled all requirements and when you are done in your application you need to message the admin for your evaluation and orientation.

1.  Install Kakaotalk App.(THIS IS A MANDATORY REQUIREMENT) Installation guide

2.      Register at www.Ontue.Com. Please fill up the registration (For account details the Kakaotalk ID is a must and other Accounts are optional) 

3.       Complete profile update with all your data.

o    You will need to upload a nice photo. 

  •     Neat with pleasant background
  •     Semi formal attire
  •     Professional Pose
  •     No head cut Photo (Photo Size H 240 x W 200)
  •     Capture it half body and front view

o    You will need to upload a short introduction video on YouTube. "Put your URL Youtube video" - Greetings for the Student Click here

4.    Add and message the Admin to get a Higher Grade. (IMPORTANT NOTE: Teacher must use a smart phone to contact admin. After adding the admin contact number - , When you are already registered and complete all requirements you can ask him and tell him that you have done the application via kakaotalk apps using your mobile phone. Then the admin check your application on our system.

o    Admin will inform you if when your assessment date and time via kakatalk. Admin will call you to your Kakaotalk aps with your computer. (Note: The Admin will not entertain your application if the following requirements weren't completed: e.g. Video introduction on Youtube, kakaotalk installed on the computer or smartphone, and the information that needs to be filled out upon registration on the website.)

IMPORTANT NOTE - You should have a nice Introduction or Greetings Youtube video for the students to make them impress on your profile. Admin will base on your Youtube video to assess your English efficiency.

§  Good Audio/Video Device

§  Stable Internet

§  Calm space to conduct a lesson

5.      Update your payment information so that you can get your pay.

      6.  Set your Booking schedule.


-Teacher must add a student kakao id using a smart phone.Because there is no way to add friend in Kakao using the desktop software.

-Importance of Evaluation of the Admin to get high grade and to get status of "Recommended Teacher" which is highly student choose.

Click here - > Tips to get student in Ontue
